Sahih:Abu Dawud:4921 (en en2)
 Mohamed made a concession for the lies, during war and to make things right Taqiya, lying for religion (9)
Sahih:Tirmidhi:1939 (en en2)
 It is lawful to lie when a man please his wife, to lie during war and to bring peace Taqiya, lying for religion (9)
Sahih:Al Bukhari:4037 (en en2)
 Mohamed asked to kill the poet Al-Ashraf and allow to lie in order to do it Mohamed's violence (34) Taqiya, lying for religion (9) Samuel Paty (19)
Quran:Ali 'Imran 3:28 (en en2 tfs tfs2)
 Take disbelievers as allies when taking precaution against them in prudence Taqiya, lying for religion (9) Loyalty and disavowal (33)
Quran:An-Nahl 16:106 (en en2 tfs tfs2)
 Whoever disbelieves wholeheartedly after their belief will be condemned Taqiya, lying for religion (9) Apostats (29)
Quran:Al-Hajj 22:30 (en en2 tfs tfs2)
 So shun the impurity of idolatry, and shun words of falsehood Taqiya, lying for religion (9) Shirk, association, idolâtrie (12)
Sahih:Ibn Majah:2833 (en en2)
 War is deceit Taqiya, lying for religion (9) Little Jihad, Holy war (33)